
Quinn Class of 2011

I got the pleasure of shooting a bunch of senior boys this year and 90% had the same attitude.. I am just doing it for my Mom :) Quinn is big into lacrosse and had such a laid back personality. Thank goodness the rain stayed away long enough to get his session done!


Kaelani & Ethan .... best friends :)

I love capturing a child's true personality and nothing shows that better when two little friends are playing without a care. These little cuties could care less that I was following them around with a camera and they were so much fun to capture. So sweet and innocent.


Dylan Class of 2011

The best part of my business is getting referrals from happy clients. Dylan was referred to me by a senior I did a while back and he was such a fun kid to work with. I met him out at Clear Lake and the weather was just perfect for a senior session on the lake!


Ashley and Jesse Engagement and Family Session

So the Rainwater's are one of my favorite families. Ashley and Jesse have been together since high school and have an adorable little guy Brady. I am so happy the let me do their engagement pictures it was such a fun session! Stay tuned in June because I am going to be doing some pictures at their wedding!!


Genevieve Newborn

Newborns are always challenging to me but I LOVE working with these sweet little babies. This little girl didn't want to fall asleep for me but once she did, she made my job super easy!


Patrick Class of 2011

I think this year has been my favorite so far. I have gotten the opportunity to do quite a few kids that are graduating in the class of 2011. Patrick was so fun to work with, he knew what he wanted and I think we got the shots that he was looking for!


Aksel & Max

Last Saturday I was able to go up to some of our great friends and capture some great pictures of Max and his little boy Aksel. I have actually known Max since he was about 8 or 9 and its crazy how grown up he is now. He has a little boy of his own and he is in the Air Force Academy. This session was a lot of fun, I got to chase Aksel all around and splash around in some puddles. He is such an energetic and sweet little guy. Thanks again guys for letting me capture these moments for you :)


Madi & Drew

I got to do another fun shoot today for Little Miss Madi and her big brother Drew. Drew is about to turn 4 and has quite the personality, and Madi is quite the little diva as you will be able to tell with her adorable little outfit. This shoot was a blast especially at the end when both kids got to dig into some yummy cake for their upcoming birthdays!


Little Mason 5 Days Old!

How could you not absolutley love your job when you get to take pictures of adorable tiny babies. Mason was so tiny and just loved being close to his Daddy. Thanks Renee and Chris for letting me captures these moments for you!